Wallpaper madness !!

We have been wallpapering like mad trying to get some feeling into our brand new house.


  1. Hello! I just noticed I've got a new follower! Thank you. It's always encouraging to know that people look at my blog!
    I like Devon as well, although I don't know it very well. One of our sons is there this week on holiday with friends, I don't know which part, but when I spoke to him yesterday he was having a great time! Now, I've found your blog,I shall enjoy calling by and having a browse!

  2. Hope he doesnt mind the damp weather, it hasnt stopped raining here !!. I was very taken with your blog, we would love to move somewhere even less busy than Devon, loved your pics and we are planning to come your way next year for a holiday, I have found a lovely cottage on the internet, we are always moving (i am an estate agent after all!). be interested to pick your brains on the area sometime. xxx


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