Spring - Is it finally on its way ?

Well havent blogged for ages, usual really family, work and not enough time. Sad news is that we are no longer going to be grandparents but it is obviously not meant to happen, so we soldier on, although we have both been heart broken for our daughter.

On a brighter note, bought yet another red spotty jug for the kitchen, hubby painted the hallway, got a lovely Newgate clock and a new picture frame for the newly painted hall. We have also put up shelving above the bed, seen in a house magazine and thought what a good use of space (more room for nic nacs hubby said!)

Have added a few pictures and today is lovely and sunny here in North Devon, hoping that spring is round the corner.

My bargain 75p flowers rescued from Tesco


  1. Hello Vicki, thankyou for your kind comment on my Blog, I thought I would come over and meet you properly. Your cottage is delightful, very cosy. I was interested to see you have a spotty jug, I have just bought one for my new kitchen. Congratulations on your grandchild to be, you must be over the moon, I know I would be.
    I am happy that you joined us over at Hillside, I hope you will come by and visit often, you are very welcome.
    Blessings kath


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